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Take a look around to learn more about who we are as a church, our mission and vision for Christ, as well as information about how you can get involved in any of our events and ministries.
We welcome you to come visit our church! 
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I would love to connect with you!


We Would Love To Have You Join Us,


We Want to Know You.



Northern Lakes Church



A Transformational Relationship with Jesus Christ.

Men and women are saved by God’s grace through faith in Jesus Christ.  Romans 10:9-10, “if you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus as Lord’ and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.  For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.”


The Bible's Authority in our Church and in our Personal Lives.

The Bible is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. (2 Timothy 3:16 NLT)


Authentic, Heartfelt Worship.

Contemporary worship celebrates God, builds the believer, and speaks to the spiritually seeking.


Come as You Are. 

Everyone is welcome, wanted, and needed, and there is a specific place of ministry for all.


Missionaries in our Community and the World. 

Jesus commands His followers to “make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20) and “and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8). This process begins in our homes, continues to our local community, and reaches out to the entire world.


Commitment to Family. 

We believe family is God’s plan and design for relationships and is the foundation upon which community is built.

Northern Lakes Church


In 2001, Red Cedar Church in Rice Lake had a vision to plant (to begin) new churches in Northwest Wisconsin. A team of volunteers from Red Cedar formed around Kevin O'Conner and committed themselves to help in the start-up of a new church in Cumberland. They desired to reach out to the un-churched in the community with a style of church that was both meaningful and relevant.


In January 2002, the first preview church service was held at the Senior Citizen’s Center in Cumberland. After a couple of months, the church meetings moved to the Cumberland Middle School building and in September 2002 NLCC “officially launched” with about 45 adults and children attending.


Meeting at the Cumberland Middle School had limitations such as the weekly “set up” and “tearing down” of equipment and limited access (only weekends). The church wanted to develop children and youth ministry on Wednesday evenings, but did not have a meeting place available. However, in June of 2004, another congregation approached NLCC and offered to sell them their down town church building. Following extensive repair and remodeling, the store front church at 1295 – 2nd Avenue became the home of NLCC. A Saturday evening worship service was added and the church continued to grow with approx. 90-95 persons attending the two weekend services.


After being in Cumberland for 8 years and seeing NLCC come to life, Pastor Kevin and his wife Carol moved to another, new church plant in North Carolina. In Oct. 2009, Dennis and Lois Wright moved to Cumberland to serve as pastor at NLCC. Soon the building at 1295 – 2nd Avenue was too small for the number of children coming to attend Sunday School and AWANA. The worship services also continued to grow and a second Sunday Morning Service was added to give space for those attending the three worship services each weekend, but space for children’s ministries was simply not available.


God’s answer was to provide significant gifts to enable the church to both fix the leaking roof as well as to completely pay out the mortgage. Suddenly, the future looked different and NLCC began to examine different options to expand their building. However, God’s plan was a move to our present home at 825 – 8th Avenue, Cumberland. The Dome Church had been carefully and lovingly built by the previous congregation and they were willing to discuss, pray and eventually sell their building to NLCC. The sale of the old building provided enough income to do some repairs to the new church, to expand the parking lot and to pay off the short term mortgage. God is good and we are thankful. However, once again the space became tight. Through tons of prayer God called NLCC to build another ministry center. This time from the ground up. This new ministry center will feature a full size gym, classrooms, a children's wing, and much more. The ARK Ministry Center is set to open September 9th 2018.


Northern Lakes Church is a part of the Wesleyan denomination. For more information visit www.wesleyan.org.



  • Established in 2002
  • 2004- Met together in a Storefront Building on 2nd Avenue
  • 2011- Moved into The Dome Church building
  • 2018- Opened The ARK Ministry Center

Entrance to the Sanctuary of the Ark Ministry Center.