Sunday Mornings

Children's Church is provided for kids 4 yrs. old to 4th Grade. 
These kids join their parents for the beginning of the 10 a.m. worship service, then dismissed to Children's Church during the sermon to sing songs, memorize Bible verses, and learn from the Bible together.

Nursery is provided for kids 3 yrs. old and under during the 10 a.m. worship service.

Wednesday Evenings During the School Year

Awana provides children opportunities to play games, create crafts, hear Bible stories, memorize Bible verses, and develop relationships.  

The Children's Program runs from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m., with dinner starting
at 4:30.  Awana is offered for 3 yr. olds to children in 6th grade. 

For Awana, there is a $20 participation fee for the school year. 



Wednesday Evenings During the School Year

Youth Impact provides high school and middle school students the opportunity to be encouraged in their walk with God and to build relationships with Christians in a safe and fun environment.  Please come ready to have fun together and to open your Bible and see how it relates to your life today.  On Wednesdays, we start meeting at 5:30 p.m. in the NLC Youth Center.    


High School: Students in 9 through 12th grade meet from 5:30-7:00 p.m. in the NLC Youth Center. 

Middle School: Students in 7th through 8th grade meet from 5:30-7:00 p.m. in the NLC Youth Center. 

Dinner: Starting September 30, dinner will be served in the main building from 4:30-5:15 pm for a free will offering. 

Small Groups and Bible Studies

Varied Times

We welcome you to come and give our small groups a try.  We have many different groups meeting at different times and locations, so we are sure you will find one that fits.  We have found that being part of a group is an awesome way to learn and grow, and make some new friends in the process!

Please check at our Welcome Center for dates and times or contact Heidi in the office at (715) 822-5502.

Women's Groups

Fridays at 8:45-10:30 a.m. During the School Year

Childcare Provided

Fridays: Join other women for a study of

the Bible as we seek to discern  the truth.  

Fridays, 9am to 10:30. 

Contact Lynne Hagley (715) 822-5502

Mens Groups

Sundays at 7:30 a.m. (up and running 2020/21)

Join us each Sunday morning as we read and discuss Scripture.  As an informal group, we discuss the Bible and what is on our hearts.  

Contact: Jim Coil (715) 491-4985


Celebrate Recovery

Mondays at 5:45 p.m.

A judgement-free, Christ-centered 12 step ministry for ANY hurts, habits, or hangups.  


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Jail Ministry

Contact Office for more information


Supporting missions around the world and sending short-term teams.