Book of Romans Sermon Series Archive Page
Book of Romans Sermon Series Archive Page
September 2019 - March 2020
A Series on the Book of Romans - The Gospel of God
Paul’s letter to the Romans answers some very basic and fundamental spiritual questions. What happened to our relationship with God? What are the consequences? How can it be restored? Paul introduces the good news of salvation in the beginning. However, if there is good news, there is also bad news. The bad news is that every person since Adam has sinned and is deserving of eternal divine judgment and condemnation. But God, through His Son Jesus Christ, has given everyone the opportunity to not be part of that condemnation.
Part 1: The Gospel of God (Romans 1:1-17)
In Pastor Dennis's message, he introduces us to the book of Romans. Paul begins Romans by confirming his credentials and conveying his passion. He assured them his teaching was by the authority of his God-appointed apostleship. What God had promised long ago was now fulfilled in Jesus and Paul wrote to affirm this marvelous good news of God’s plan of salvation.
Part 2: The Gospel of God (Romans 1:18-32)
Pastor Dennis leads us in the second message of the sermon series on the book of Romans. In these verses, we find that both the righteousness of God and the wrath of God are revealed. What is this all about?
Part 3: The Judgement of God (Romans 2:1-16)
Pastor Dennis leads us in the third message of the sermon series on the book of Romans. In these verses, we find out that there is a judgement of God coming and all of us is without excuse. What do we do?
Part 4: What Does it Mean to be God's People (Romans 2:17-29)
Pastor Dennis leads us in the fourth message of the sermon series on the book of Romans. In these verses, we find out what it means to be God's people.
Part 5: We Find the Cross of Jesus (Romans 3:19-26)
Pastor Dennis leads us in the fifth message of the sermon series on the book of Romans. In these verses on the gospel of God, we find at its very center the cross of Jesus.
Part 6: In Faith (Romans 4:1-25)
Pastor Tim leads us in the sixth message of the sermon series on the book of Romans. How are we justified, we are justified through faith. Why is it through faith and what do we put our faith in?
Part 7: We are Justified by God (Romans 5:1-11)
Pastor Dennis leads us in the seventh message of the sermon series on the book of Romans. This message is the first half of the message "We are Justified by God". We are justified by God.....therefore we should expect the following.
Part 8: We are Justified by God (Romans 5:1-11)
Pastor Dennis leads us in the eighth message of the sermon series on the book of Romans. This message is the second half of the message "We are Justified by God". We are justified by God.....therefore we should expect the following.
Part 9: What Shall We Say Then? (Romans 6:1-14)
Pastor Tim leads us in the ninth message of the sermon series on the book of Romans. Romans 6 starts off with a question - are we to continue in sin that grace may abound? What is Paul's answer?
Part 10: Born Again, but Life Still Seems Messy. (Romans 7:7-8:1)
Pastor Dennis leads us in the tenth message of the sermon series on the book of Romans. We have acknowledged Christ as Lord and Savior. But, as Paul states, we have the desire to do right but we still do what we do not want to do. How do we deal with the sin in us?
Part 11: In Christ...Alive in the Spirit. (Romans 8:1-17)
Pastor Dennis leads us in the eleventh message of the sermon series on the book of Romans. Are we walking according to the flesh or according to the Spirit? Set your mind on the Spirit.
Part 12: Christian Hope...Now Present, to be Revealed. (Romans 8:18-27)
Pastor Dennis leads us in the twelfth message of the sermon series on the book of Romans. Sin is the cause of all the suffering that exists in the creation of God. But believers are to live in the hope of the 'glory' that is revealed in Christ.
Part 13: Experience God Loving Us. (Romans 8:26-39)
Pastor Dennis leads us in part 13 message of the sermon series on the book of Romans. We find out in these verses that in all things God works for the good of those who love him. So how do we respond? If God is for us, who can be against us? Who can separate us from the love of Christ?
Part 14: God's Purpose, it's by Faith. (Romans 9:1-16 & 30-33)
Pastor Dennis continues the sermon series on the book of Romans. God's purpose and the responsibility of man are linked in our understanding of the Gospel of God. Hold tightly to both.
Part 15: One Way of Salvation. (Romans 10:1-13 & 21)
Pastor Tim continues the sermon series on the book of Romans. Romans 10:9-10 carefully describe the two steps in believing and confessing that is needed for a person to be born-again. Have you personally taken these two steps in your personal life?
Part 16: God's Sovereign Plan for Offering Grace. (Romans 11:1-11, 19-23, 29-36)
Pastor Tim continues the sermon series on the book of Romans. In God's greatness and wisdom, He provides a way of salvation by grace. We have a choice: humble ourselves and call out to God, or, reject God and harden our hearts.
Part 17: Living in Christ...First Steps. (Romans 12:1-8)
Pastor Dennis continues the sermon series on the book of Romans. Paul tells us that we are, by the mercies of God, to present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God. How do we do that?
Part 18: Living Out the Will of God. (Romans 12:3-21)
Pastor Dennis continues the sermon series on the book of Romans. The foundation is set (Romans 12:1-8). Now we are to present ourselves to God, being transformed by the renewal of our minds, humility, and serving through spiritual gifts and faith in God for that service.
Part 19: God's Authority and Us. (Romans 13:1-14)
Pastor Dennis continues the sermon series on the book of Romans. The word submit is looked at negatively in today's world. But Paul said that as believers in Christ we should follow the rules set forth by the government, remembering that God, as the true authority, established it. How do we do that?
Part 20: Judging Brothers. (Romans 14:1-12)
Pastor Tim continues the sermon series on the book of Romans. How should I react to Christians who live out their faith differently than I think Christians should?
Part 21: Judging, Serving and Chasing (Romans 14:13-15:7)
Pastor Tim continues the sermon series on the book of Romans. In these passages, Paul gives us instructions on how we should treat each other as brothers in Christ.